Donald Trump just stepped in it something fierce

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We can talk about whether Donald Trump behaved the way he did during tonight’s debate because it was a calculated strategy, or because he lost control and couldn’t help himself. But whatever prompted Trump to behave in such unhinged and embarrassing fashion tonight, there’s no question about the net result.

Donald Trump’s humiliating antics tonight failed to gain him a single vote that he didn’t already have. That’s a huge problem for Trump, because he’s losing by eight points in the polling averages. Trump must find a way to pick up a sizable chunk of additional voters who aren’t already in his corner, and instead he spent the evening acting like someone who’s already lost and just wants to piss everyone off on his way out the door.

Trump has just five weeks left until election day, and only a handful of opportunities to address a large number of Americans. Tonight was one of them. Whether by failed strategy or psychological breakdown, Trump completely blew the opportunity. Not only that, Trump surely turned off a number of people who were on the fence. Trump just stepped in it something fierce.

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