Donald Trump’s flat broke campaign cancels TV ads in even more swing states

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Last night Donald Trump’s leaked tax returns confirmed that he’s roughly as flat broke as anyone paying close attention knew he was. Now we’re getting yet another reminder that Trump’s 2020 campaign is also broke, as it continues to ditch its TV ads in key swing states.

Medium Buying is reporting that the Trump 2020 campaign is canceling its planned TV ads this upcoming week in Ohio and Iowa. This is a huge deal because Trump win both these states in 2016 and needs to win them both again. This time around Biden is ahead by a few points in Ohio in the polling averages, and Iowa is tied. The last thing Trump should be doing right now is canceling his ads in these states, and the only reason to do it is that there simply isn’t enough cash on hand to pay for them.

To be clear, it’s not just that the Trump campaign is failing to run ads where it should be running them. It’s canceling ads that it had already booked in these states, at the last minute and likely at a financial penalty. What’s remarkable is that it doesn’t appear the Trump campaign is shifting the money to other states. It appears that there simply is no money to go around.

Meanwhile Joe Biden is spending big on TV ads right now, both nationwide and in key swing states. It’s an opportunity for Biden supporters to focus in on volunteering, phone banking, and voter registration, and really drive up the score.

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