Donald Trump has whacked out late night meltdown as it all goes wrong for him

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On Sunday evening the world got to see what a New York grand jury has been trying to see for the past year: Donald Trump is a career criminal and tax fraudster who’s flat broke and deeply in debt to shadowy figures. It’s also becoming more clear than ever that Trump is on a path to prison if he loses the election.

When Trump held his press conference on Sunday to respond to the bombshell, he simply insisted it was “fake news.” Then late on Sunday night, Palmer Report tweeted this: “Remember the time Al Capone yelled ‘fake news’ and it kept him out of prison?” Just eleven minutes later, Trump went ahead and posted a whacked out tweet indeed calling the whole thing “Fake news.”

Trump then went on a completely incoherent rant about some fringe right wing conspiracy theory in Minnesota that didn’t even remotely make sense. In other words, Donald Trump is completely rattled, and he has no idea how to even try to push back against any of this. Fake news? More like fake President!

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