Donald Trump is completely unraveling in front of our eyes today

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Donald Trump had to already be pretty far gone in the first place to have had eighteen loose lipped phone conversations with Bob Woodward, who cracked the Watergate scandal. But now that Trump’s taped confessions to Woodward are starting to surface, he’s completely unraveling right in front of us.

Take, for instance, Donald Trump’s tweet this morning insisting that Kim Jong Un is in great health. This is what Trump wants to be telling the world right now? Trump also retweeted a fat joke about himself today. If a normal person did that, we’d interpret it as merely having a sense of humor, or trying to preemptively shut down the people who make these kinds of jokes. But as Michael Cohen reminded us this week, Trump has no sense of humor; he must have retweeted the fat joke because he misunderstood it.

Then there was Trump’s press conference, in which he seemed caught off guard by the fact that the first few questions were all about why he lied to the American people about the coronavirus threat. He clearly wasn’t prepared for it. Was he expecting some other line of questioning? Did he think that after the news cycle we just had, the White House press corps was going to lead off by asking him about the weather?

Donald Trump is completely unraveling in front of our eyes today. What’s remarkable is that, even with Woodward’s followup bombshell today that Trump bragged about getting the Saudi Crown Prince off the hook for the Khashoggi murder, there are likely more Woodward bombshells coming between now and the release of his book next week. Trump is falling to pieces already, and this is all just beginning.

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