Donald Trump’s advisers hit the panic button after he royally blows it

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Bob Woodward has used his “Woodward and Bernstein” clout to gain information and write insider books about every modern U.S. President – and these books are rarely pretty. But modern Presidents and their underlings have all known to be careful what they say to Woodward, even when they’re cooperating with his book. Then there’s Donald Trump, who has been in over his head the entire time.

It turns out Donald Trump spent months getting on the phone with Woodward and admitting all kinds of things that he shouldn’t have. This was fairly predictable in hindsight. For one thing, Trump doesn’t do his homework or know his history, so probably didn’t know he needed to be cautious with Woodward. Also, Trump is the kind of narcissist who’s so desperate to win over Woodward in the moment, he probably forgot that what he was saying was for public consumption.

Now John Harwood of CNN is reporting that Trump White House staffers are blaming each other for failing to stop Donald Trump from having blabbed about all of these things to Bob Woodward. Let’s be clear here: Trump is the supposed President of the United States. Yet he’s such a reckless child that, without proper babysitting from his underlings, he called up the Watergate guy and confessed on tape that he negligently murdered 200,000 Americans. Trump is that far gone.

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