Chuck Todd has ruined Meet The Press, Michael Moore sucks, and everything else that’s wrong with punditry

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Chuck Todd thinks unbiased means pretending both sides are the same. He routinely lets republican guests get away with lies. He’s turned “Meet The Press” into “Meet The Press Release.” Meet The Press now does more harm than good. Fire Chuck Todd or cancel the show entirely.

Speaking of people who probably shouldn’t be on TV anymore, Michael Moore now says Trump will win in 2020. He also said Romney would win in 2012. He always says the Republican will win, so he can hang his hat on it the half of the time that he ends up being right. Meanwhile, Moore’s overt fatalism discourages people from bothering to vote.

Moore spends most of his time dishonestly trashing the Democrats. He’s become a self serving turd who does real harm. Why does MSNBC still book him? Probably for the same reason it hasn’t fired Chuck Todd, despite his low ratings: the network is pandering to a “both parties are the same” demographic that doesn’t exist.

While Moore and Todd stand out as egregious, the entire world of political punditry suffers from similar histrionics. Numerous pundits insisted that the unrest in DC would magically help Trump’s poll numbers. They ended up being wrong, of course. Then they insisted that the unrest in Portland would help Trump. They were wrong about that too. Now they’re insisting unrest in Kenosha will help Trump. That won’t happen either. Do the pundits think they get extra credit for always being wrong? The pundits never pay a price for using fear mongering to manipulate you into staying tuned in and giving them higher ratings, which is why they keep doing it. You’re the only one who can break the cycle, by tuning these types out.

Here’s the real deal. We’re in hell. So many things are on fire right now, it’s hard to keep track. But the one thing going well for us is that we’re winning the election. The polling averages now suggest Trump didn’t get a convention bounce – a huge failure for him. He’s running out of time to close the gap. Trump is the one who’s up against the wall, not us. Instead of fretting, let’s work hard and finish him off.

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