Donald Trump’s press conference today is already a total disaster

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Donald Trump’s poll numbers have been plummeting as more Americans have concluded that he isn’t willing or able to lead the country through the pandemic. So instead of doing something to actually help America with the pandemic, Trump decided that all he needs to do is to start holding press briefings about it again. Suffice it to say that he’s not off to a strong start.

The bar was incredibly low for Trump today, considering that during his last full press briefing about the coronavirus, he proposed having people inject themselves with bleach and Lysol. But Trump managed to drag the bar even lower today. He started off by using the racist term “China Virus” in the very first sentence he spoke. It was all downhill from there.

Trump sounded befuddled even when trying to read from his prepared opening script. At one point he said “It’s all over the world, and it tends to do that,” and no one had any idea what he meant. It’s as if Trump’s handlers convinced him that he’s going to lose the election and go to prison if he doesn’t read what they wrote for him, but he’s too far gone to even pull it off. He sounded out of breath at times, confused, tepid, and lost.

The irony is that Donald Trump is only holding these press briefings to try to boost his sinking poll numbers, and yet briefings like what we saw today are only going to drive his numbers even lower. Trump has no idea what he’s even trying to do at this point. In a sign of how thoroughly this isn’t working for Trump, CNN isn’t even bothering to air his press briefing.

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