Nice try, Donald Trump. It won’t work.

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Now that Donald Trump is as much as fifteen points behind Joe Biden in some polls, it’s becoming clear that Trump’s negligent and dishonest mishandling of the pandemic is costing him everything. Trump is on track to lose the election, which will make him vulnerable to arrest and imprisonment in New York.

Trump seems to be finally getting the message about how screwed he is, because he’s finally caving on the mask thing:


Sorry, Donald Trump, but you’re five months late to the mask-wearing party. You murdered countless Americans by urging everyone not to wear a mask. You don’t get to just change sides now. Also, you’re going to need that mask after you lose the election and you try to flee the country in disguise. And for the record, you’re nobody’s “favorite President.” Finally, it’s not the “China virus” you racist jackass.

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