Donald Trump’s craptastic performance in Saudi Arabia and Israel suggests he’s trying to finish himself off

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You’re Donald Trump. Your accidental presidency is already a failure. You’re miserable. You want out. And you know that the appointment of a special counsel means your scandals are going to get you ousted. What do you do? Maybe you take a page out of your old playbook from the business world, where each time you realized you were going to lose, you threw up your hands and walked away and told yourself it was some kind of victory.

That’s the only explanation I’ve got at this point for the actions and behavior of Donald Trump during his current overseas trip to Saudi Arabia and Israel. When he appeared winded during the middle of a speech and began reading incorrectly from the Teleprompter, I assumed that his health was failing, and maybe it is. But there’s got to be more to this, considering how inexplicable his behavior has become since.

Trump made a point in Israel today of blurting out additional classified details to the public, while he was trying to make the case that it wasn’t so bad when he blurted out classified information last week to the Russians in private. This is the kind of thing that a sitcom writer couldn’t come up with.

Even by Trump’s own increasingly erratic and careless standards, the stupefyingly inept nature of this overseas trip seems a bridge too far to be believable. It’s almost more believable to think that Trump is purposely acting this way in order to hasten what he knows by now is his inevitable exit.

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