Donald Trump just gave away that he really is afraid to leave the White House

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Yesterday, Donald Trump went all the way to Maine so he could pointlessly tour a medical supply factory. While he was gone, his own Secretary of Defense pulled the military troops from the streets of Washington DC, and the Mayor renamed the street outside the White House as “Black Lives Matter Plaza.”

Now Trump is giving away that he’s afraid to leave again. He was scheduled to spend this weekend at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. But the trip has been canceled. NBC News is reporting that Trump says the trip was canceled out of fear of “bad optics.” Yeah right. At no point during the pandemic or the civil unrest has Trump cared about optics when it’s come to things like playing golf or taking trips.

It’s not difficult to parse what’s going on here. We know Donald Trump is so afraid of the peaceful protesters outside, he’s been hiding in an underground bunker while erecting a giant fence around the White House. But there’s more to it than that. When he left the White House and went to Maine for a day, he started losing control of the city and his cabinet. He must be afraid that if he goes to his golf resort for the weekend, there won’t be much of his presidency to come back to. Will he eventually work up the nerve to travel, or will he simply remain holed up in the White House?

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