Donald Trump erupts into berserk late night tirade as everything goes wrong for him

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Donald Trump has had one heck of a bad day. Doctor Fauci contradicted him today about the dangers of reopening the country, and Liz Cheney ended up siding with Fauci. The Supreme Court began hearings on whether to turn over Trump’s tax returns to the House, and to the New York grand jury that’s targeting him for criminal indictment. And the judge in the Michael Flynn case appears intent on dismantling Bill Barr’s stunt.

Trump had an odd stretch today where he didn’t tweet for twelve hours, making us wonder if he’s finally run out of his secret sauce or something. But now he’s back at it tonight, and he’s completely melting down about the dumbest thing possible: Pulitzer Prizes.

That’s right, Trump thinks that the journalists who won Pulitzer Prizes for exposing his Russia scandal should be stripped of their prizes, because – in Trump’s increasingly hallucinatory and dementia-riddled mind – his Russia scandal somehow never happened. Nevermind that half a dozen of his own top people were criminally convicted in that scandal.

Of course Donald Trump has gone down this road before. Last time around he thought Pulitzer Prizes were Nobel Prizes, and he further thought they were spelled “Noble” Prizes, but we digress. Trump is slipping further away by the hour, and tonight is no exception.

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