Hey Donald Trump, what happened?

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Donald Trump has spent the past four days tweeting essentially nonstop. Over the weekend he had a twenty-four hour stretch where he tweeted once every 7.5 minutes on average. That tweeting spree continued into this morning, when he falsely accused a TV show of murdering a woman, and retweeted a bizarre image of a Congressman holding a noose.

Then, right about eleven hours ago, Donald Trump’s frantic tweeting spree came to an abrupt stop. Sure, it wouldn’t be a big deal for a normal person to spend eleven hours away from Twitter. But Trump is about as far removed from normal as you can get. So what stopped Trump in his tracks?

Did Trump hear something during today’s Supreme Court arguments that discouraged him to the point that finally broke his tweeting spree? Did his secret stash of uppers deplete itself? Or did he just finally crash, after four days of being wired? In any case, Trump’s distinctly non-normal behavior just found a whole new way to be non-normal.

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