Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end during his latest disastrous press briefing

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Donald Trump’s plan to prematurely reopen the country began to unravel yesterday when there was so much public pushback against Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Trump ended up having to throw Kemp under the bus for it. Now Trump is embarking on a new scheme for goading people into leaving the house: he’s claiming that sunlight magically kills coronavirus.

Trump opened his press briefing today by painting sunlight of all things as a new coronavirus miracle cure. He tried to make the argument that scientists are simply going to inject sunlight into a person and it’ll kill coronavirus. Then Homeland Security official Bill Bryan explained that there is merely some evidence that coronavirus doesn’t live as long in direct sunlight and humidity as it does in the shade.

When a reporter than asked Bryan if sunlight can be injected into a person, as Trump had claimed, Bryan flatly said no. He also explained that sunlight can’t be relied upon to disinfect outdoor surfaces such as playgrounds, because the sunlight won’t reach the bottom surfaces of objects.

Donald Trump was then asked a question about why he’s stopped promoting hydroxychloroquine as a phony coronavirus miracle cure, but he dodged the question. Now Trump is promoting sunlight of all things as a phony coronavirus miracle cure. He’s desperate, flailing, and delusional – and nothing he’s throwing at the wall is sticking.

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