Jeff Sessions risks losing his law license over his role in firing James Comey after recusal

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Now that Donald Trump seems willing to blow it all up out of spite, as evidenced by his reckless and likely self defeating firing of FBI Director James Comey, the question becomes just how far down the rabbit hole his own people are willing to go with him. For instance Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation but has now ended up directly meddling in it anyway, and now he may have gotten himself in trouble for it.

In an article published on Alabama based publication and written by conservative Jennifer Rubin, she makes the legal argument that Sessions violated the law by playing a documented role in Comey’s firing (link). Her argument is sound: you can’t recuse yourself from an investigation and then turn around and take a role in firing the person in charge of that investigation.

Further, to the extent that Donald Trump has admitted to obstruction of justice by acknowledging in his NBC interview today that he fired Comey to make the Russia investigation go away, Jeff Sessions is also by default guilty of that same obstruction of justice. But it may get even worse for Sessions. Rubin points out that Sessions could lose his law license over this. It’s already been established in years past that without a law license, there are significant portions of the Attorney General job that you can’t do (link). So you can see where this is headed.

If Jeff Sessions continues going further down this obstruction of justice rabbit hole with Donald Trump, it’s possible that Sessions will end up facing more immediate consequences than Trump. Then again, any number of Trump’s political allies and advisers have already been thrown under the bus as this scandal has gotten progressively worse, so why not Sessions as well? Help fund Palmer Report

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