Donald Trump has bizarre moment when asked about his coronavirus exposure

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Donald Trump is holding a Rose Garden press conference right now that’s surreal almost beyond words. He’s been babbling incoherently while struggling to catch his breath. He’s been having the CEOs of Walmart and Target speak, while he tries to force them to shake his hand. The truly odd moment came when a reporter asked Trump about his own coronavirus exposure.

“We have no symptoms whatsoever,” Donald Trump said, while appearing visibly ill. He insisted that he can’t have it because the President of Brazil tested negative this morning. But this ignores two key things. First, the CDC’s own website says that if you’re not sick yet, a coronavirus test can come back negative, even if you have it. Second, Trump and Pence also met with another Brazilian official who has tested positive.

We don’t have any way of knowing for sure if Donald Trump has the coronavirus. But he’s clearly under the weather with something. Other people who came into contact with the Brazilian official, such as the Mayor of Miami, have since tested positive. And Trump’s own allies like Lindsey Graham and Rick Scott are now under quarantine, for having the exact same exposure that Trump had. Yet Trump is still roaming free.

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