Donald Trump has completely berserk meltdown as the stock market implodes

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Donald Trump was up half the night, feverishly tweeting forty-seven word sentences about how the coronavirus is somehow a conspiracy against him, for a reason. Trump knows his regime isn’t prepared for a major outbreak in the United States. And whether that happens or not, the economic impact on Asia has sent the U.S. stock market into the toilet. It looked like today was going to be yet another terrible day for Trump, and sure enough, it is.

The Dow Jones is down around 700 points right now, and unless it rallies in the next several minutes before closing time, it will have fallen by about 15% this week. That’s a stunning collapse in such a short amount of time. To give you an idea of how bad of a week this has been, when the Bush crash happened in 2008, the Dow Jones dropped 18% during the week of October 6th. So while we don’t know where the Trump crash is headed next, this week was historically awful.

So what does Donald Trump have to say about it today? Well, nothing. He’s got plenty to say, of course, but none of it is relevant to the situation at hand. He’s spent the day tweeting phony conspiracy theories about the DNC, childish attacks on Mike Bloomberg, and whiny complaints about how his own terrible 2020 poll numbers are somehow fake. Then he tweeted several images of his own fans fawning all over him.

This guy doesn’t have a clue what to say about what’s going on. He knows the stock market and the economy are in freefall, and he can’t think of anything to say that might help turn it around, so he’s not bothering. Nor does he have any leadership to show in the coronavirus crisis, so he’s handed that off to his underlings. Donald Trump is in freefall, just as surely as the stock market is.

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