Rudy Giuliani suffers bizarre late night Twitter malfunction

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Rudy Giuliani is in need of professional help. That’s been increasingly obvious for awhile. We like to poke fun at his fumbling, but only because he’s committing serious crimes against the United States, and words are the only tools we have for fighting back against him until his arrest finally comes. The thing is, though, his condition is getting really bad.

On Friday night, Rudy tried to do a Google search, but instead he ended up tweeting his Google search query. Okay, fine, so he’s bad with technology. There’s nothing unique about that. But on Saturday night, he did something far more strange. He has a new website called where he posts his largely incoherent podcast episodes. Rudy doesn’t seem to know his own website, though, because he tweeted a link to which redirects to a drug and alcohol rehab website. No, really. This is the site that Rudy linked to:

This isn’t funny, of course. It’s not even clear what’s happening here. WHOIS records don’t say who owns but they do reveal that it’s been registered since 2016 (long before he registered his actual website, so it’s not as if someone else ran out and registered this site as a prank after Rudy made his typo. When you put this within the context of Rudy’s recent media interviews, which have seen him drooling and walking into walls, the guy seriously needs professional help. Then again, he also needs to be arrested.

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