This is complete horse crap

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Each of you are rooting for different candidates in the 2020 Democratic primary, and that’s how it’s supposed to work. But when you look at the national polling averages, there’s zero doubt that Joe Biden is the current frontrunner. That’s a fact, just as the sky is blue. It doesn’t mean he’ll remain the frontrunner. Races shift. But we won’t get any meaningful hard data about the nomination until we get to more diverse voters in South Carolina and the Super Tuesday states. In the meantime, we’re in for a month of total nonsense – and the false reporting just kicked off this evening.

Because Iowa and New Hampshire tend to produce results that have nothing to do with who’s going to win in more diverse states and become the Democratic nominee, we’re entering a month where the media can drum up a whole lot of ratings by pretending that the winners of Iowa and New Hampshire are the new “frontrunners” and that the actual frontrunner in the national polls is in “trouble.” In recent elections, one of the media’s favorite tricks is to pretend that the frontrunner is so screwed, other random people are gearing up to enter the race to take their place.

During the 2016 Democratic primary race, we saw the mainstream media make up fake stories about Hillary Clinton being in such trouble, everyone from John Kerry to Al Gore to Michael Dukakis was preparing to enter the race and take her place. We’ve been waiting for the media to get around to making up similar fake stories about the 2020 Democratic primary race, and now it’s happened: NBC News falsely reported today that John Kerry is gearing up to enter the race.

The kicker is that this NBC News article doesn’t even try very hard. It claims that John Kerry was overheard discussing entering the race on a phone call. But as the article goes on, it becomes clear that Kerry was actually explaining on the phone why he’s not going to enter the race. Further down the article, NBC admits it’s “not clear how serious” Kerry was about supposedly entering the race. In other words, it’s made-up nonsense.

This kind of sensationalistic and false reporting from the mainstream media is shameful but not surprising. There’s no better way to drum up ratings than to pretend that the frontrunner is in trouble, or that the frontrunner isn’t actually the frontrunner. And there’s no better time to push this garbage than during February, while it’s pretending that Iowa and New Hampshire are predictive of who’s going to be the nominee.

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