Where did he go?

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Last night, after Iran fired a bunch of ballistic missiles into a military base that housed U.S. troops, Donald Trump inexplicably tweeted “All is well!” His handlers then let it be known that he wouldn’t be giving a televised speech that evening. Today, Trump gave arguably the most disturbingly senile speech in the history of U.S. politics, and he hasn’t been heard from since.

In fact Trump hadn’t been heard from before the speech either. This morning Trump had nothing to say at all on Twitter. After his disastrous speech he also tweeted nothing. His “All is well!” tweet was nearly twenty-four hours ago, and aside from his speech, he hasn’t been heard from since. This would be understandable if his speech had in any way gone well for him, or if it had communicated any semblance of a message.

Instead, Trump’s speech consisted of him appearing extremely weak and out of it, slurring out imaginary words like “tolerided” and “accomplement shades.” He spent the entirety of his speech constantly sniffing, as if his handlers had pumped him full of some drug just to keep him upright long enough to give the speech. And since this fiasco, Trump hasn’t tweeted anything.

Something is very wrong here. This was Donald Trump’s big moment to try to take his weak handling of Iran and try to spin it into something he could work with. Instead he gave an almost frighteningly inept speech performance, and then disappeared entirely. What is wrong with this guy?

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