Chaos swirls over conflicting reports about Donald Trump’s Acting Director of National Intelligence

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We all knew something fishy was going on two months ago when Donald Trump abruptly announced that he was getting rid of his Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and then two weeks later Coats reportedly urged Deputy DNI Sue Gordon to resign, even as Trump was trying and failing to install his loyalist John Ratcliffe as the Acting DNI. Trump ended up with Joseph Maguire as his Acting DNI, and now there’s chaos swirling around Maguire today.

This afternoon there were major media reports that Joseph Maguire was threatening to resign as Acting DNI unless the Trump regime allowed him to testify fully and freely when he appears before Congress tomorrow. But then Maguire released a statement, relayed by multiple major news outlets, that he never threatened to resign. So what’s even going on?

One possibility is that Maguire threatened to resign in order to get his way over his testimony, but he doesn’t want the public to know that, so he’s denying it. The other possibility is that someone in the Trump regime leaked a false story about Maguire threatening to resign, in what could be an attempt at muddying the waters about Maguire as he heads into his testimony.

Either way, it’s starting to look like Joseph Maguire isn’t interested in taking the fall for Donald Trump. We’ll find out tomorrow what Maguire is really going to say about his role in the suppression of the whistleblower report.

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