Donald Trump just confessed

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Earlier today Palmer Report pointed out that Donald Trump screwed up when he, in fit of bravado, called for the whistleblower complaint against him to be made public. He didn’t mean it of course, but he sure handed House Democrats the ability to win their legal battle over the complaint more quickly and easily. Now Trump is playing the only card he has left at this point: he’s confessing before the complaint is made public.

This evening Donald Trump said this to a group of reporters, according to CNN: “We had a great conversation. The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, was largely corruption — all of the corruption taking place, was largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son (adding to the corruption).” We assume CNN felt compelled to add the parenthetical in an attempt at turning yet another gibberish Trump quote into something more coherent, but the point is this: Trump just confessed to a felony.

So what now? Trump has already lost the battle over suppressing the whistleblower report. There’s far too much pressure from the media and the public for the scandal to just go away. Trump is now working under the assumption that the report will become public, and he’s confessing to what it documents, while trying to minimize the context of his behavior.

That’s cute, but the reality is that Donald Trump committed one of the most serious crimes on the books when he tried to leverage the power of the presidency (and directly or indirectly used hundreds of millions of dollars of government funds as leverage in the process) to try to get a foreign leader to help him alter the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Proof of it is about to become public. Trump’s only remaining play – confessing to a serious crime while trying to minimize it – is one that never ends up saving anyone.

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