Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about Mike Pence and the Taliban, gives something away in the process

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On a day when Donald Trump had already incoherently accused a woman of being a “Flaming Dancer” and then insisted that the decisions by Mike Pence and the Air Force to shovel money into his hotels had “NOTHING TO DO WITH ME,” we didn’t think Trump could top himself. Then he began ranting about Pence and the Taliban, or something.

This morning, Palmer Report pointed out that Donald Trump’s Camp David meeting with Taliban leaders would have been impossible for a number of reasons, leading us to ask if perhaps his handlers were pretending to set it up in order to appease him – with the intention of goading him into pulling the plug on the meeting at the last minute, so he wouldn’t find out that it never existed. Now Trump’s afternoon rant has lent credibility to this notion, and he’s dragging Pence into the debacle.

CNN reported today that Donald Trump insisted on meeting with the Taliban at Camp David during the week of 9/11, but Mike Pence and John Bolton, among others, opposed him on it. That led Trump to post this particularly strange, and unintentionally enlightening, meltdown:

A lot of Fake News is being reported that I overruled the VP and various advisers on a potential Camp David meeting with the Taliban. This Story is False! I always think it is good to meet and talk, but in this case I decided not to. The Dishonest Media likes to create the look of turmoil in the White House, of which there is none. I view much of the media as simply an arm of the Democrat Party. They are corrupt, and they are extremely upset at how well our Country is doing under MY Leadership, including the Economy, where there is NO Recession, much to the regret of the LameStream Media! They are working overtime to help the Democrats win in 2020, but that will NEVER HAPPEN, Americans are too smart!

For starters, there’s no way this story about Pence and Bolton dissenting would have leaked, unless Pence and Bolton leaked it to try to cover themselves. This is so obvious, even Trump has likely figured it out. That could explain why Trump threw Pence under the bus this morning, tweeting “I had nothing to do with the decision of our great VP Mike Pence to stay overnight at one of the Trump owned resorts in Doonbeg, Ireland.”

In any case, the real story here may be that things are getting uglier between Donald Trump and Mike Pence by the day, and that ugliness is beginning to spill over into public view. This morning, Palmer Report asked if Pence stayed at a Trump hotel in such blatant fashion because he was purposely trying to get the media to expose Trump’s con game of having government officials stay at his hotels. Now we’re really starting to wonder.

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