Donald Trump’s G7 summit is already such a disaster for him, he’s gone into hiding

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Just how poorly has the G7 summit gone for Donald Trump so far? He’s gotten Emmanuel Macron’s name wrong twice. He’s accused multiple major respected American news outlets of being “fake news” while on foreign soil. But if you really want to know what a disaster this has been for Trump, all you need to know is how he chose to end the day.

According to Kelly O’Donnell of NBC News, the Trump White House has called a lid on media coverage for the evening, which means traveling reporters have been sent packing for the day. But Donald Trump is still participating in G7 meetings, and is “expected to travel back to his hotel with no US press with him.”

O’Donnell is referring to this as “unusual.” We think she’s being diplomatic. What it really means is that the G7 summit is going so badly for Donald Trump, he’s already hiding from the media. We don’t have any way of knowing if Trump made the decision to hide himself from the media, or if Trump’s handlers have decided that he’s falling apart so badly, they don’t want the media to be around for it.

Either way, the United States has a president who – in addition to being a racist, a criminal, a dimwit, and a traitor – simply can’t handle the basic rigors of the job. If Donald Trump is already in hiding on the first day of the G7 summit, he needs to resign before the last day of the G7 summit.

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