On the verge of political launch, Valerie Jarrett moves in with Barack and Michelle Obama

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Earlier this week, former Attorney General Eric Holder revealed that President Barack Obama is about to reenter public political life in a big way – and Holder would be in a position to know. Now comes word that longtime Obama White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett has moved in with Barack and Michelle Obama in their new Washington DC home. In my years as a journalist, I’ve only ever seen one scenario under which this kind of thing happens.

When collaborators on a new project are working around the clock and racing against time to get a startup project off the ground, they have no time for a personal life one way or the other. So the most logical move is to live together in the same house or compound, removing any logistical barriers, since they’re going to spend every waking minute working together anyway. Combine Holder’s recent “ready to roll” tease with Jarrett’s decision to move in with her professional collaborators, and it suggests that the Obamas are indeed close to launching something big.

That leaves open the question of precisely what they’re launching. We already know that Barack Obama and Eric Holder are planning to systematically undo congressional gerrymandering by reshaping the State legislatures which will redraw those districts in 2021. But that’s further off. This launch feels more immediate and more urgent.

The story of Valerie Jarrett moving in with the Obamas comes via the Daily Mail, a British tabloid, so naturally it’s making hyperbolic claims that “Obama’s goal is to oust Trump from the presidency.” It’s surely not quite that dramatic in real life.

But it does appear that President Obama, now a private citizen with grave concerns about Donald Trump’s suitability and stability, is about to launch some kind of major political effort to push back against Trump or his policies. Come to think of it, maybe he really is trying to oust Trump from the presidency. This comes at a time when polls suggest nearly half the nation wants Trump impeached. Many Americans would consider Obama to be doing them a favor if he found a way to legally force Trump out of office. Help us investigate Trump-Russia!

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