Public momentum builds for Sally Yates to be named Trump-Russia special prosecutor

Now that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been caught red handed having colluded with Russia during the election and having lied about it under oath, here’s a rich piece of irony: if he resigns, Sally Yates of all people might have been in position to once again become acting Attorney General — if Donald Trump hadn’t fired her a month ago. Now public momentum is building for Yates to be appointed special prosecutor in the Trump-Russia scandal.

To be clear, this is merely public momentum. There is currently nothing to suggest that lawmakers are considering involving Sally Yates in the Trump-Russia investigation in any way. And some might view her as having a conflict of interest, considering that Trump did fire her. But that isn’t stopping the public from suddenly rallying behind the idea of Yates as Trump-Russia special prosecutor. In fact her name is trending on Twitter right now.

Twitter user @Jaymayallda has tweeted that “‘Independent Prosecutor Sally Yates” has a nice ring to it.” Another user @CeeBee_NZ has tweeted that “I vote for Sally Yates to be special prosecutor.” And user @NickBaumann has jokingly tweeted that “Sally Yates sits silently by a fire, stroking her cat and sipping a fine brandy.” These tweets are indicative of the overwhelmingly popular public sentiment at the moment.

So what’s really going to happen with Jeff Sessions now? In this article I’ve covered the only three options he has left to choose from. And two of the three will lead to an independent special prosecutor being appointed. We’ll see which names he or Congress might come up with. But the people are already making clear that their vote is for Sally Yates. After all, she already ran the Department of Justice once, and she’s since been fully vindicated over the circumstances that led to her improper firing. Help us investigate the Trump-Russia scandal.

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