DNC Chair Tom Perez and Deputy Chair Keith Ellison to Donald Trump: we’re your “worst nightmare”

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After the Democratic National Committee put up a united front today by electing Tom Perez as the new DNC Chair, who then created a new Deputy DNC Chair role for his opponent Keith Ellison, it fell to Donald Trump to try to knock them down a peg via his infamous insult-machine of a Twitter account. But as it turns out, Trump apparently hadn’t even heard of Tom Perez prior to today, referring to him as “Thomas Perez” instead, and unwittingly handing Perez the opportunity for the zinger.

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Trump tweeted “Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who has just been named Chairman of the DNC. I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!” In so doing, he revealed that he apparently had no idea who Tom Perez is, as no one in politics refers to him as Thomas. That allowed Perez to fire back at Trump with “Call me Tom. And don’t get too happy. Keith Ellison and I, and Democrats united across the country, will be your worst nightmare.”

Real News. Fake President.

This came after Perez and Ellison had both bent over backward during their DNC Chair contest to avoid attacking each other, and to promote party unity. The DNC already has several Vice Chairs, who are separately elected, but Perez created the role of “Deputy Chair” for Ellison in order to give all segments of the party an official voice.

Shortly after Tom Perez won his election, he received near-immediate good news. The pivotal state senate election in Delaware, which was going to decide which party held the majority, was won by Democratic candidate Stephanie Hansen. This gave Perez the opportunity to seize the moment, as he posted a tweet which read “Great work. We kept the majority in Delaware. Let’s keep the momentum going, this is only the beginning.”

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