Backed into a corner and out of options, Donald Trump is spiraling out of control

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When one is forced into desperate positions, they often act out due to fear of being caught. While the odds of escape remain low, some determine that making a run for it becomes the best option. It now appears clear that Donald Trump can no longer pretend to be innocent. Despite the constant denials from the White House and Rudy Giuliani, all evidence points to treason by Trump.

While the option of fleeing to Russia remains perhaps viable, the odds of pulling off such a journey have diminished by the day. While Trump could attempt to convince his pilots on Air Force One to fly to Domodedovo, the main airport utilized for Russian intelligence, Trump’s usefulness to Putin has likely fallen over the past two years.

Because of his limited options, Trump is likely to try everything to save himself, hording power to himself and his family. As Special Counsel Robert Muller continues to indict those in Trump’s closest circle, Trump will likely to continue to minimize their relationships to him, while writing them off as minimal assistants. Just as Trump called George Papadopoulos, Trump’s foreign policy advisor, a low level coffee boy, everyone who is caught and able to testify against him will be labeled as an individual of minimal importance.

Following the indictment of Roger Stone, Donald Trump is certainly feeling boxed in. He knows that his time is limited, and he’s likely to strike out in a multitude of ways. He always has the option of tweeting, which may engage some of his followers, but that is not enough to achieve his ultimate goal. While Trump knows that Mueller is onto his treason, there is nothing I wouldn’t expect from him.

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