Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after U.S. Envoy quits in protest

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The fallout from Donald Trump’s treasonous pullout from Syria continues. Secretary of Defense James Mattis resigned in protest immediately, and cited Trump’s personal allegiance to America’s enemies in his resignation letter. Now another key person involved is also resigning, and Trump is having a berserk meltdown about it.

Brett McGurk has the fancy-sounding title of U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. In plain English, it means he’s played a really important role in overseeing America’s military efforts against ISIS around the world, including in Syria. McGurk resigned today, stating that his “integrity” was on the line. This set Trump off accordingly.

Donald Trump posted this surreal tweet late on Saturday: “Brett McGurk, who I do not know, was appointed by President Obama in 2015. Was supposed to leave in February but he just resigned prior to leaving. Grandstander? The Fake News is making such a big deal about this nothing event!” Wait, what? Trump appears to be admitting that he didn’t even know that McGurk and his job existed, which is stunning. Trump also appears to be trying to blame President Obama for no apparent reason.

Trump then went on to post this deranged tantrum: “If anybody but your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, announced that, after decimating ISIS in Syria, we were going to bring our troops back home (happy & healthy), that person would be the most popular hero in America. With me, hit hard instead by the Fake News Media. Crazy!” He’s conveniently leaving out the part where he committed treason by conspiring with a foreign enemy to rig the election in his favor, and is now treasonously making U.S. military moves at the behest of his foreign overlords.

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