Maxine Waters is going after Betsy DeVos

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Maxine Waters has been calling out the Trump regime’s corruption for some time, but because her party has been in the minority, there hasn’t been much she can do about it beyond mere words. That’s now changing, with the Democrats taking control of the House, and Waters about to become the chair of the powerful House Financial Services Committee. Today, she made clear that she’s targeting Trump’s corrupt Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

DeVos has spent her time in office sabotaging public schools for the benefit of expensive private schools, stripping away the civil rights protections of students while driving them further into financial debt, making idiotic remarks about grizzly bears, and wasting a phenomenal amount of money on a level of personal security she doesn’t need. Maxine Waters has had enough of it, and now she’s in a position to do something about it.

Waters tweeted this today: “Betsy DeVos, you won’t get away with what you are doing. We are organizing to put an end to your destruction of civil rights protections for students.” She added “Yesterday I met with Members of Congress, students & great professional advocates who are fighting to protect students—particularly students of color, students w/ disabilities, transgender students & survivors of sexual assault — from Betsy DeVos’ attacks on student civil rights.”

We’ll have to wait until early January to see the specific approach that Maxine Waters takes to dismantling Betsy DeVos, but Waters’ options include everything from nationally televised hearings to unilateral subpoena power. Donald Trump has already unwittingly proven that you can’t take on Maxine Waters and win. Now that DeVos knows she’s being targeted, she’d be smart to resign before Waters is sworn in as chairwoman.

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