Donald Trump Jr is an idiot

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Pointing out that Donald Trump Jr is an idiot? That’s like pointing out that the sky is blue and water is wet. It’s not exactly a revelation. But considering that we’re just one day away from an election that’ll help decide how quickly Donald Trump Jr goes to prison, it is notable that he’s going out of his way to remind us today of just how thoroughly he doesn’t get it.

For instance, someone posted this question on Twitter today: “Why is (almost) nobody talking about Trump-Russia collusion?” Donald Trump Jr responded sarcastically with “I wonder why???” His clear implication was that no one is talking about the Trump-Russia criminal scandal right now because it’s magically gone away.

But back in the real world, Robert Mueller has already sent most of the key people in the Trump campaign packing for prison, and there’s good reason to believe that Trump Jr could be the next to be indicted and arrested. Anyone with one-fifth of a brain can figure out that the media simply isn’t talking much about Trump-Russia right now because everyone’s focus is on the election, and because Mueller has been quiet for a bit. But no one ever accused Junior of having any brain matter.

Donald Trump Jr also retweeted this laughably demented notion: “A lot of anonymous trolls are very active today on Twitter advocating for Democrats. Wonder how much that cost them?” This comes just a few days after Twitter announced that it had shut down ten thousand fake accounts that had been trying to convince Democrats not to vote. When it comes to projection, Junior is just like his father, only dumber.

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