It’s finally the NRA’s time in the barrel

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One of the most startling, and underreported, narratives in the Trump-Russia scandal is the financial role that the NRA allegedly played in helping the Russian government to infiltrate and take control of the Republican Party. The evidence is everywhere. In fact Maria Butina, a Kremlin operative who served as an NRA conduit, is already in prison. But now it’s truly the NRA’s time in the proverbial barrel.

Of all the various House and Senate committees tasked with investigating the Trump-Russia scandal, the only one still functioning in bipartisan fashion – or really functioning at all – is the Senate Intelligence Committee. Just days before the election, the committee is demanding that the NRA turn over all documents relating to its connections to Russia, according to the Daily Beast. More specifically, the committee is zeroing in on a trip that NRA leaders made to Moscow during the election cycle.

Why is this such a big deal? It reveals that even if the Republican Senate isn’t willing to go directly after Donald Trump, it’s more than willing to go after the NRA. This could be an attempt on the GOP’s part at covering itself, as nearly every Republican in Congress has taken NRA money, which appears to have been funneled through the Kremlin. So no matter how the election plays out, it looks like the Senate is going to rip the NRA to shreds.

On the other hand, if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, we’ll see far more of this, and in far more aggressive fashion. Imagine how thoroughly the House Intel Committee will go after the NRA, and Donald Trump, if a former prosecutor like Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff becomes its Chairman. The NRA is on the ballot on Tuesday, and a vote for the Democrats is a vote for the NRA’s swift demise.

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