This is just getting sad

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We’re just a couple of days from an election that’ll decide whether Donald Trump gets placed on a path to unlimited power, or a path to prison. When I look around, I find that it’s difficult to find anyone who’s not taking this seriously. Wherever you might fall along the fault lines of this election, you understand just how uniquely important it is. That is, unless you’re Donald Trump.

Here’s a glimpse at Trump’s message today. First he tweeted “Landing in Montana now – at least everybody admits that my lines and crowds are far bigger than Barack Obama’s.” Trump is on trial right now in the court of public opinion, he stands to gain or lose everything, and he’s spending his time basically comparing his dick size to that of the previous president. This is just sad. The guy is doing nothing to help his cause. What kind of clown goes out like this?

It’s not just his narcissistic obsession with something as stupid as crowd size, which he tweeted about several times today. It’s that even when he tries to throw an occasional bone toward helping his party win, he comes up so astoundingly short. Today he posted a tweet endorsing a Senate candidate, and went on to spell the opponent’s name wrong. In fact he’s screwed up half the endorsements he’s tweeted. It’s like he’s not even trying. Instead of the story being that he’s throwing his weight behind these candidates, the story ends up being that he’s an incompetent idiot.

Donald Trump sucks at being president. He sucks at being human. He sucks at managing his money without going bankrupt. He sucks at real estate. He pretty much sucks at everything. So perhaps it’s not surprising that, with his judgment day approaching, he sucks at saving his own skin too. But it’s nonetheless surreal. This is just getting sad.

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