Donald Trump takes his violent racist rallies to a whole new low

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After having spent his entire time in politics pushing violent and racist rhetoric, Donald Trump is now very upset that he’s taking the blame for the inevitable violence that’s being carried out by his thuggish supporters. Trump has been desperately trying to convince us that his opponents are the violent ones, even as his far-right ghouls put bombs in the mail and shoot up places of worship. Now Trump is making an utterly bizarre move.

Donald Trump is holding two of his violent Klan rallies today in two different states. He’s supposed to be doing this to support the Republicans running for office, but he generally pays little attention to the GOP candidates in question, and instead just acts like a deranged hooligan and spews hate speech. Here’s what Trump revealed about his Indiana rally today:

“Will be going to West Virginia and Indiana today, TWO RALLIES! Don’t tell anyone (big secret), but I will be bringing Coach Bobby Knight to Indiana. He’s been a supporter right from the beginning of the Greatest Political Movement in American History!” Wait a minute here.

Here’s what Bobby Knight is best known for, according to the Houston Chronicle: throwing a chair across a basketball court in 1985, during a game. Allegedly throwing one of his assistants out of a chair in 1998. Allegedly choking a man at a restaurant, and hurling a racial slur at the man, in 1999. In other words, Knight supports Trump because they’re both violent racists. Every time we think Trump can’t go lower, he reminds us there is no bottom. Election day is in four days.

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