We’re in hell

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Several Jewish people were murdered today at a Pittsburgh synagogue, simply because they committed the “crime” of being Jewish. This came one day after “President” Donald Trump denounced “globalists” – a word which has a century long history of being an anti-Jewish slur. We’re in hell, and – for now at least – it’s getting worse by the day.

Earlier this week a white guy tried to shoot up a black church. When he couldn’t get into the church, he went to a nearby grocery store and murdered two black people there. Why? Simply because they were black. This comes after years of often violent anti-black rhetoric from Donald Trump, including encouraging his white supporters to beat up peaceful black protesters, and offering to pay their legal bills.

Racist and antisemitic violence is unfortunately nothing new in this country. So how much blame can we singularly put on Donald Trump for this? How much time have you got? This week’s other incidents come within the context of a Trump supporter driving around in a Trump van and trying to murder the Democrats on Trump’s hit list. If that doesn’t tell you who’s at the center of all this far-right violence, nothing will.

It’s true that, on some level, Donald Trump is a symptom of existing xenophobic and ethnophobic far-right extremist. But Trump also keeps making a point of playing up that extremism to the point of hysteria, and routinely (and knowingly) signaling to these extremists that it’s okay to resort to violence if that’s what it takes – and he’s using the platform of the United States presidency to do it.

Donald Trump is currently under state and federal criminal investigation for numerous felonies including, but not limited to, obstruction of justice, real estate fraud, charitable fraud, election tampering, witness intimidation, money laundering, and conspiracy against the United States. He belongs in prison for that alone, and if the Democrats win the House in ten days, his ouster will become a realistic scenario. In other words, our quickest path out of hell is to simply go vote, and to make sure every other sane American votes as well.

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