Hey Donald Trump, we found your “mob”

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When Democrats and liberals decided to fight against the criminally corrupt Brett Kavanaugh nomination in aggressive and spirited fashion, it clearly scared the likes of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. In response, Trump and his ilk began insisting that mainstream Americans who loudly speak up against him are a “liberal mob” who are a danger to the safety of America. As always, it turns out Trump was simply projecting his own side’s sins onto the other side.

There’s a far-right group of guys who call themselves “Proud Boys” and are, in effect, a pro-Trump street gang. These thugs are so violently out of control, the NYPD is in the process of charging nine of them with assault after they started a brawl with the people who were protesting against them. This comes after far-right pro-Trump white supremacists tried to provoke violence in Charlottesville, and when the left showed up to peacefully protest against them, one of them murdered Heather Heyer in response.

You can find individual bad seeds at every point on the political and ideological spectrum. But in the big picture, we keep seeing the same pattern. There is no “liberal mob” no matter how many times Donald Trump uses that absurd phrase. Instead, the real mobs – the ones who keep getting together with bloodthirsty intent and end up committing violent crimes – are on his team.

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