The real reason all of Michael Flynn’s Trump-Russia dirt is suddenly coming to the surface

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It’s becoming a common theme this week: new details about old Trump-Russia storylines are suddenly coming to the surface. First it was news that the late Peter W. Smith had raised six figures in the name of trying to rig the election in Donald Trump’s favor. Now we’re getting word that Smith, who had long been painted as a Trump-Russia lone ranger with no connections to the Trump campaign, met with Michael Flynn during the election cycle after all. There’s a reason for this.

Suddenly the Wall Street Journal has its hands on emails that help piece together the real context of what Peter Smith was trying to do. Fascinatingly, the WSJ says that Smith met with Flynn sometime in 2015.

The exact timeframe isn’t spelled out, but it’s worth noting that Flynn then went on to dine with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow at the very end of 2015, before joining the Donald Trump campaign in early 2016. We still don’t know how relevant Smith is going to end up being to the overall Trump-Russia puzzle. But we do know why this is surfacing.

Michael Flynn cut a plea deal more than ten months ago, but it wasn’t until three weeks ago that Special Counsel Robert Mueller finally referred Flynn for sentencing. This tells us that Flynn spent all that time providing useful information to Mueller, and that Mueller is now ready to make his moves based on that information. It’s not a coincidence that we’re finally getting more of the Peter Smith story this week. It’s because all of Flynn’s Trump-Russia dirt is about to start coming out in Mueller’s filings anyway. Buckle up, because there’s going to be a whole lot more where this came from. Flynn had his fingerprints all over the Trump campaign, the transition team, and Donald Trump’s fateful first few weeks in the White House.

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