This won’t end well for Brett Kavanaugh

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Donald Trump has once again managed to do what he does best. He identified a fundamentally compromised person, and promised that person big things in exchange for doing his bidding. Sure enough, Trump has put Brett Kavanaugh – a guy whose temperament and long history of alleged criminal behavior would disqualify him from most fast food jobs – on the Supreme Court. So Kavanaugh has won, right? Trump’s recent history with other similar henchmen strongly suggests otherwise.

Brett Kavanaugh has gotten further than most of Donald Trump’s pawns. Earlier we watched Dr. Ronny Jackson fake a medical report about Trump’s health. Trump rewarded him by nominating him to run the VA. The nomination process exposed numerous alleged skeletons in Jackson’s closet, ruining his life and costing him not only the nomination, but also his existing White House job. Did Trump know Jackson was compromised when he first began using him? Probably. It’s what Trump does – and it never ends well for anyone who has been corruptly anointed by Trump.

Awhile back, Donald Trump correctly identified Michael Flynn as a broken guy who was obsessed on getting revenge against President Obama. Trump used Flynn to do his bidding with Russia, and then rewarded him with an appointment to the esteemed position of National Security Adviser. Less than a month later, he was forced to resign in scandal. He’s since cut a plea deal that will include prison time. Before that, Trump identified Michael Cohen as someone who was eager to do his criminal bidding. Sure enough, Cohen amassed a fortune in the process. Now he’s headed to prison after having pleaded guilty to eight felonies.

Thanks to Donald Trump, these guys reached the top of the mountain – but they did it in a way that caused them to go tumbling down the other side into ruin. Because he just barely survived a nomination process that exposed just how compromised he was, Brett Kavanaugh might get to spend a bit longer on top of that mountain than the rest of Trump’s pawns. But the media won’t stop digging into this guy. The public won’t stop coming forward to expose the remaining pieces of his profoundly ugly life. Most of Trump’s anointed ones have ended up unemployed or in prison. Based on history, there is little reason to expect Kavanaugh will fare any differently in the end.

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