Two Fox News personalities decide they’ve had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

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Despite the unhinged tweets and outbursts by Donald Trump, it has been well documented that he possesses a historically low approval rating. While Trump’s dwindling base of supporters continues to prop him up with lies and conspiracy theories, it is important to understand that most people see through the propaganda. In an effort to avoid life in prison, Trump continues to spew nonsense via Twitter. Ignoring easily checked facts, most Trump supporters have fallen victim to believing a narrative that aligns with their wishes, rather than what actually constitutes the truth.

Many would agree that one of the largest problems with Americans accessing inaccurate political information is Fox News. While individuals at Fox News like Sean Hannity proceed to spew pro-Trump lies, it only emphasizes why the exodus is occurring. While Trump supporters cling to their daily dose of propaganda, some professionals in the company have become disgusted by the lies. It turns out that another on-air personality is now leaving Fox News due to the lies.

Adam Housley, a reporter at Fox News since 2001, determined that he could no longer promote Trump, according to Politico. A coworker of Housley’s made the statement: “He’s not doing the type of journalism he wants to be doing. And he is unhappy with the tone of the conversation of the channel. This isn’t just a one-off. During an interview, Fox News regular A.B. Stoddard made a statement that surprised most consumers of the channel.

During the interview, Stoddard confessed that Trump lacks the “temperament. He’s impulsive and erratic. He changes his mind quickly. He lies frequently. He’s not judicious. And he’s not measured. And he doesn’t have the temperament for the hardest job on the planet.” If there was ever a time when we needed confirmation, it is good to know that some at Fox News reject him.

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