Ivanka Trump reveals that Donald Trump is rapidly self destructing

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From all outward appearances, Donald Trump is self destructing at an accelerating rate. He’s been recklessly tweeting things that further incriminate him and his family. He’s been taking a pass on the easiest parts of the job that could potentially make him look good. He’s speaking and acting more erratically than ever. But it turns out you don’t have to take our word for it, because his own daughter is acknowledging that same pattern.

It’s nothing new for Donald Trump’s underlings to tell various reporters that Trump’s behavior is going off the rails, while leaving their names off it. Maybe they’re venting, or maybe they’re trying to get a message to Trump through the media, in the hope that he’ll take it to heart. But Trump has no heart, so whenever we see these nameless quotes, we know they’re not going to have an impact. However, this time around it’s different.

In an article which sees Donald Trump’s nameless underlings call him “nuts” while revealing that he knows he’s been “cornered” by the investigations into his criminal scandals, two people in particular were willing to attach their names to their remarks. Here’s the key sentence from the Vanity Fair profile: “Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are unsettled that Trump is so gleefully acting on his most self-destructive impulses as his legal peril grows.”

That’s right, Ivanka Trump is making a point of telling a reporter on-the-record that Donald Trump is self destructing. Is this a last ditch effort to get through to him, or is Ivanka simply trying to publicly distance herself from her father as he circles the drain? Either way, we’re now at the remarkable stage where even Trump’s own daughter is freely talking about how far gone he is.

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