Donald Trump Jr sinks into a delusional haze as everything goes wrong for him

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Donald Trump had a pretty awful day on Tuesday, as his campaign chairman was convicted on eight felonies, and his former attorney named him as an unindicted co-conspirator in a felony. But you could almost argue that Donald Trump Jr had an even worse day. The Manafort conviction made it much easier for Robert Mueller to eventually put Junior in prison, and the Cohen flip meant there was a cooperating witness to help put him there.

So how is Donald Trump Jr taking the news? By the looks of things, he’s not taking the news. Instead of even trying to address the fact that his whole world had just collapsed in on him, Junior spent Tuesday and Wednesday clinging to his most cherished phony conspiracy theories, delusions about how his father is somehow going to save him, and racial slurs.

At one point Donald Trump Jr was dishonestly attacking Elizabeth Warren while calling her “Pocahontas.” At other points he was either retweeting his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, who was recently ousted from Fox News, or retweeting his father, or retweeting fake positive news about his father. Does this guy really think that this kind of nonsense is going to save him? Michael Cohen, who just cut a plea deal, was in the planning meeting for Junior’s Russia meeting. Paul Manafort, who was just convicted and could flip as well, was in Junior’s Russia meeting.

These people can easily send Donald Trump Jr to prison, and at least one of them is now officially on a path to doing just that. Junior should be focused on a legal defense, or thinking about a cutting a plea deal of his own while he still can. Instead he’s sinking even further into a delusional haze. He’s in for a rude awakening the day he sees his own name in an indictment.

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