Donald Trump’s ship is sinking fast

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There will always be people who think they are above the law, and seemingly they all work for Donald Trump. This week signaled a turning point in the Robert Mueller investigation and possibly for the world of politics in America forever. Paul Manafort, former campaign chairman for Trump, was convicted on eight bank and tax fraud charges, Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to similar charges. Not only are they number four and five of Trump’s camp to be indicted, Cohen has confirmed that Trump “directed” Cohen to make hush money payments to two women who had affairs with Trump. One of the women, Stormy Daniels, was even threatened by a thug in public, which seems in line with Trump’s usual tactics of intimidation.

Trump best get in some golfing while he still can, because although he may present a blasé demeanor about all of this, he has to be aware that his jig is up. Instead of strategizing a coherent defense, Trump has resorted to name calling and defamation. He is publicly throwing around the word “rat,” an insult designed to ostracize those who double cross a crook. In this case, Trump is the crook and Cohen is ratting him out.

Trump has praise for Manafort because he did not crack under pressure and reveal any of Trump’s dirty secrets. This is typical mafia type behavior, and Trump does nothing to dispel this image. Cohen has publicly rejected the idea of even accepting a pardon from Trump should one be offered. This is an indication of just how poisonous Trump has become.

The most incredible thing about this situation is that most in the Republican Congress still haven’t denounced Donald Trump. Many of them have even aided and abetted him, and the amount of greed being exposed is mind boggling. The Democrats are putting an emergency plan into place in case Trump tries to get rid of Mueller, and the entire country is trying to figure out if Trump can be indicted as a sitting president. This is an open question, but if the president is putting the country in danger by collaborating with the enemy, I think exceptions will be made and heads will roll. Unfortunately for Trump, no one will be there to give him a helping hand.

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