Donald Trump is a narcissistic sociopath, and it just hurt him badly

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Rudy Giuliani’s “truth isn’t truth” moment on live national television on Sunday morning was so attention-getting, it threatened to drown out the fact that Rudy’s client Donald Trump had just finished tweeting some of the most jarring and deranged things he’s ever come up with. In the process, Trump reminded us of a few things about him that are key to understanding the manner in which he’s going to end up unraveling.

As of Sunday morning, Donald Trump was still publicly pretending that White House Counsel Don McGahn didn’t sell him out by spending the past ten months giving as much evidence as possible to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It’s true that Trump didn’t try to stop McGahn from being interviewed by Mueller. The trouble is that Trump thought McGahn was going to remain personally loyal to him during that interview, even if it meant putting himself at legal risk in the process. It turns out McGahn didn’t like the idea of going to prison for obstruction all that much.

Even as Trump was publicly tiptoeing around McGahn, he decided to take a vicious shot at Richard Nixon’s White House Counsel John Dean. Trump insisted that McGahn wasn’t a “John Dean type ‘RAT.'” Well that’s a new one. You won’t find a single history book, outside of the Nixon library at least, that categorizes Dean as a rat. Instead he’s seen as a guy who went along with Nixon’s crimes for awhile, then decided he couldn’t in good conscience do it anymore, and then led the way in bringing Nixon to justice. There’s a reason why Trump is unable to see Dean that way.

Only a narcissistic sociopath would see John Dean as the villain who failed to show personal loyalty to his boss. Donald Trump sees it that way because he is in fact a narcissistic sociopath – and yes, it’s so blatant in his case, you don’t need a medical degree to spot it. But this has left Trump with a blind spot that’s cost him dearly. Here’s how John Dean himself spelled it out to Trump on Twitter: “I doubt you have ANY IDEA what McGahn has told Mueller. Also, Nixon knew I was meeting with prosecutors, b/c I told him. However, he didn’t think I would tell them the truth!”

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