Donald Trump’s Hope Hicks vs Melania Trump mess just turned calamitous

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Donald Trump’s decision to take Hope Hicks on board Air Force One yesterday ended up going extraordinarily poorly for him – and that’s before getting to the part where he got caught committing felony witness tampering. If Trump was trying to keep it under wraps, he did such a sloppy job that the whole world quickly found out, and now it sounds like Melania Trump is more than a bit unhappy about it.

Given that Special Counsel Robert Mueller just called Donald Trump’s bluff on testifying about his various criminal scandals, and that Hope Hicks is a key witness and alleged co-conspirator in Trump’s obstruction of justice scandal, it’s not difficult to figure out why Trump wanted to speak with Hicks yesterday. Just by making a point of meeting with her, Trump illegally tried to tamper with a witness – the same criminal violation that got Paul Manafort sent to jail ahead of his trial. But if this was an attempt at covering up the coverup, they forgot to properly cover it up.

Media cameras quickly spotted Hope Hicks boarding Air Force One. Were Trump and his people really hoping no one would notice? Is there no one on his team who understands what felony witness tampering is, or how television cameras work? There’s no doubt that Robert Mueller was taking notes and preparing yet another criminal charge. But Trump ended up having a more immediate problem.

Right around the time this was happening, Melania Trump made a point of releasing a statement which defended LeBron James from the attacks that Donald Trump had hurled at him the night before. How often does Melania put out an official statement that goes against her husband’s actions? Just about never. So this can’t have been a coincidence. It’s fairly evident Melania didn’t approve of Trump taking Hicks with him on Air Force, and wanted to send a message about it.

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