Rudy Giuliani goes berserk over additional Trump-Cohen tapes

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Rudy Giuliani has become so frantically out of control these past few days, even by his standards, that it’s been difficult to keep up. At one point he was ranting about someone named “Daniel.” He started a sentence on Twitter and never did finish it. Early this morning he simply tweeted the word “you” for no apparent reason. But this was all just a warm up act for Rudy’s berserk meltdown about the Trump-Cohen tapes today.

Last night Rudy Giuliani tweeted his belief that Michael Cohen was about to release additional tapes aimed at making Donald Trump look bad. But this morning Rudy appeared on Face The Nation and claimed that Trump doesn’t actually appear on any other Cohen tapes. Giuliani went on to claim that there are 183 additional Cohen tapes, an oddly specific number, while insisting that only a dozen of the tapes are conversations about Trump. He then went on to claim that he doesn’t know what’s on the other tapes, even though he seems to know precisely how many tapes there are. Also, he says the tapes exonerate Trump.

If you can’t seem to make sense of any of this, don’t worry, it’s because none of it makes sense, period. Rudy’s position is now that Michael Cohen is about to leak incriminating tapes of Donald Trump that also exonerate him, and also don’t exist. In hindsight , Rudy’s errant “You” tweet may have been the least nonsensical thing he said all day.

Rudy Giuliani is clearly panicking over the prospect of Michael Cohen releasing additional tapes. If Rudy thought that Donald Trump had nothing to worry about, or that releasing more tapes would backfire on Cohen, then Rudy would simply sit back and let Cohen make his next move. But the tapes may no longer even be the biggest Trump-Cohen story, in light of Cohen’s willingness to testify that he witnessed Donald Trump signing off on the Trump Tower treason meeting with the Russians during the election.

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