Donald Trump throws tantrum after nobody buys his treason explanation

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Donald Trump merely misspoke when he verbally committed treason in front of live television cameras on Monday. He didn’t mean to side with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the United States government; he said “would” when he meant to say “wouldn’t.” That’s the farce of an excuse that rolled out of Trump’s mouth, and naturally, no one is buying it. So not long after his excuse fell flat, Trump did what he does best – he threw a tantrum.

After seeing that his summit with Putin was being widely condemned by both sides of the American political aisle, and unsuccessfully trying to explain away that failure by claiming he misspoke, Trump resorted to tweeting this: “The meeting between President Putin and myself was a great success, except in the Fake News Media!” Wait, really?

So which is it? Was Trump’s summit a “great success” because he sided with Putin, or was it a great success because he didn’t mean to side with Putin? There’s no possible scenario in which Trump could think that this summit went well. When you screw up so badly on the world stage that your own apologists instantly begin publicly demanding that you walk it back, and then you have to walk it back by reading a prepared statement written by your staff, and your statement doesn’t even really walk it back, and you’re still being widely accused of having committed treason during the summit, it means you blew it on a historic level.

Donald Trump couldn’t be in any more over his head. He’s no match for Vladimir Putin. He’s also no match for the Resistance. At this point he’s no match for the difference between the words “would” and “wouldn’t.” What arguably stands out here the most is how little effort and enthusiasm Trump put into this tantrum. All he did was yell “great success” and “fake news” before he went quiet about it. He’s coming off as more of a deer in the headlights than ever.

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