Donald Trump goes on bizarre rant after North Korea deal implodes

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North Korea is now publicly attacking the Donald Trump administration, going so far as to accuse Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of using “gangster-like” tactics during what it’s calling “deeply regrettable” negotiations. This comes shortly after the U.S. intel community revealed that Kim Jong Un is already rebuilding his damaged nuclear missile site in defiance of his summit with Trump. So how is Trump responding to the confirmation that North Korea was playing him all along?

Here’s what Trump tweeted shortly after the North Korea news broke this morning: “Twitter is getting rid of fake accounts at a record pace. Will that include the Failing New York Times and propaganda machine for Amazon, the Washington Post, who constantly quote anonymous sources that, in my opinion, don’t exist – They will both be out of business in 7 years!” That’s right, he’s naturally attacking the two largest newspapers that reported the North Korea story. But there may be more to this.

Whenever Trump posts a whacked out idea like this, such as banning the New York Times and Washington Post from Twitter, it’s usually in response to something else. In this instance, it’s not clear what has put Trump’s focus on the notion of banning Twitter accounts. There have been several past attempts at getting Trump banned from Twitter due to his consistent violations of its rules. However, Twitter has responded by stating that because Trump holds the office of President of the United States, it’s in the public interest not to ban him.

So is Donald Trump suddenly worried that he’s going to get banned from Twitter after all? Or is this a severely belated reaction to the fact that his oldest friend Roger Stone got banned from Twitter several months ago? That’s not yet clear. But for all his derangedness, Trump doesn’t land on a topic like this at random. Not only is he trying to distract us from his North Korea failure, he’s given something away in the process. We’re just not quite sure what yet.

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