With its back against the wall, the Donald Trump regime resorts to its most absurd excuse yet

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After a federal judge ordered the Donald Trump regime to reunite immigrant children with their parents, and gave Trump a hard deadline for making it happen, Trump has predictably failed to meet the deadline. Based on various reports coming out of Trump’s immigrant concentration camps, it’s not even clear that he and his agents know how to identify and reconnect the families they’ve torn apart. Now that Trump is in trouble with the judge, his attorney is resorting to the most absurd excuse we’ve heard in quite some time.

Today, a DOJ attorney representing Trump, and an ACLU lawyer representing the immigrant families, appeared before the federal judge in Southern California. As it became clear that the hearings weren’t going to conclude by end of business today, the judge asked the lawyers if they’re going to be in town this weekend. The ACLU lawyer offered to stay for the weekend. The Trump lawyer had a very different answer.

Keep in mind that this is being confirmed by respected NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander, so even though it sounds like something out of the Onion, it’s very much real. The Trump lawyer from the Department of Justice said to the judge, “I have dog-sitting responsibilities that require me to go back to Colorado but I will be back Monday.” The judge then stated that the hearings will resume on Monday morning.

We love dogs as much as anyone. But are we supposed to believe that Donald Trump’s DOJ sent a lawyer to a hearing in Southern California on a Friday, and that lawyer didn’t bother to make other arrangements for the dog, because he had no idea that the hearing might extend through the weekend? We’re calling shenanigans. We’re not sure if a judge can legally order a DOJ lawyer to work through the weekend or not, but we strongly suspect the lawyer in question is using his dog as a mere excuse to intentionally delay the deadline by three more days.

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