Roger Stone’s final countdown

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Tick tock. Roger Stone knows it’s coming. It’s why he’s desperately playing the sympathy card with his supporters. It’s why he’s reduced to trying an ineffective “I don’t remember” defense even while partially confessing to his crimes. He’s even tried announcing that he knows it’s coming. Stone is now throwing everything he has at the wall, as quickly as he can, because he knows he’s on his final countdown.

Roger Stone is going to be indicted and arrested. Soon. How soon? Stone himself is acknowledging that twelve of his associates have recently been hauled before Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury to testify against him. Some of those associates, such as Sam Nunberg, have publicly identified themselves. The media has collectively identified others, including Stone’s social media director and chauffeur. Grand juries talk to the target’s closest associates last. The process is, essentially, at an end.

Stone knows it too. It’s why he’s now publicly confessing to having met with a Russian during the election who was offering him supposed dirt on Hillary Clinton. Stone says he didn’t take the dirt because the price tag was too high. He also says he forgot about the meeting when he testified under oath before Congress, in an attempt at explaining away the perjury charges that he’s almost certainly about to get hit with.

Roger Stone has also acknowledged in interviews that he expects to be charged for financial crimes, and he’s trying to spin that by insisting that those charges have nothing to do with Trump-Russia. Perhaps he should try texting Paul Manafort and asking him how well that rationale worked for him. Oh that’s right, he can’t, because Manafort is in jail. We’ll see if Stone joins him, or if he manages to get out on bail. But Stone’s indictment and arrest are coming soon. It’s yet another blow to Donald Trump’s criminal house of cards.

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