Donald Trump and Stephen Miller crash and burn

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Stephen Miller is a pathetic loser who tried to compensate for it by clinging to the illusion that being a white male makes him inherently superior to others. In a morbid sense, it’s fitting that Miller is one of the last advisers still standing in Donald Trump’s rapidly crumbling administration. It’s also suddenly become a problem for Trump, because the two of them have embarked on these immigrant child concentration camps for incompatible reasons which are now coming to a head.

Miller pushed for these immigrant kids to be forcibly separated from their parents and locked in cages, because they’re Hispanic and he’s a deranged white supremacist. He looks at the mere fact that these kids are being abused for not being white, and he sees it as a victory. Trump went along with Miller’s concentration camp plan because he sees this as an opportunity to blackmail Congress: he’ll free the kids if he gets funding for his border wall.

Trump’s problem here is twofold. First, his political strategy is not going to work. He thought Congress would be so desperate to free the kids, it would give him anything he wants. Instead the concentration camps have turned into a rallying cry. It’s the most horrifying thing Trump has done yet. It’s literally what Hitler did to his scapegoats. It’s the kind of thing that gets people to sit up and pay attention, and there’s an opportunity here to finish Trump off while freeing the kids in the process. This may have been Trump’s biggest mistake yet. But that’s before getting to the Miller problem.

This will end with Donald Trump having to back down and free the kids, while getting nothing in return for his own agenda. We’ll see if it merely serves to further damage Trump’s sinking administration, or finishes him off entirely. But even if Trump survives this, the problem is that Stephen Miller’s entire mentally deranged life had been leading up to the moment where he got to throw nonwhite people in concentration camps. Once Trump abandons that plan, what will Miller do? Will he have any reason left to stay at the White House? Trump has almost no advisers left. He can’t afford to lose anyone else. Yet this will probably cost him Miller once it’s all said and done – that is, if Trump is even still president once the concentration camp scandal plays out.

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