Rudy Giuliani has meltdown about Donald Trump’s impeachment

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In addition to everything else that’s wrong with him, Rudy Giuliani has begun suffering from that condition where you can’t refrain from blurting everything that’s in your head. Because Donald Trump is an idiot, he’s decided that this makes Rudy the best guy to send on television each day. Rudy has confessed that Trump is guilty of various crimes, and unwittingly pointed investigators in the right direction on numerous occasions. Now Rudy is giving something else away.

Donald Trump’s inconsistent and often incoherent words and behavior have often made it difficult to figure out if he truly understands the trouble he’s in. There are times when he seems to think he’s going to be impeached and imprisoned, and times when he’s confidently oblivious to everything that’s going wrong in his world. Rudy Giuliani has a different psychological affliction: he just blurts out everything he’s thinking, as fast as he can say it. Rudy just gave away that he believes Trump will indeed be impeached.

Giuliani was speaking at a Republican campaign event and blurted out “Let’s keep this seat Republican. Let’s stop the possibility of a ridiculous impeachment.” There are some GOP strategists who believe that the fear of Trump being impeached can drive his base to the polls in November. But Rudy doesn’t have strategies; he just rambles with no filter. And while he is a special kind of nutty, he does tend to be focused about the kinds of concerns Trump should be worried about.

Because it wouldn’t be a Rudy Giuliani public appearance without a total meltdown, he naturally went off the deep end in the midst of his rant about impeachment. At one point he described Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team as a “bunch of distorted human beings” who should go to Bellevue because they’re “wackadoodles.” That’s right, Rudy Giuliani thinks other people are wackadoodles. According to CNN, while Rudy made these remarks, he said this “while gesturing to his head with wide eyes.” Because of course he did.

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